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It help speed up the process

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3mo ago

Platinum is the catalyst typically used in the Ostwald process, which is a method for producing nitric acid through the oxidation of ammonia. The platinum catalyst plays a critical role in promoting the conversion of ammonia to nitric oxide, an important intermediate in the process.

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Q: What catalyst used in the Ostwald process?
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What catalyst is used in nitric acid?

Platinum and rhodium are common catalysts used in the production of nitric acid. Platinum gauze catalysts are commonly utilized in the Ostwald process, where ammonia is oxidized to form nitric oxide, which is then further oxidized to nitric acid.

What is a catalyst only used in photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll is the catalyst that is used in the process of photosynthesis.

What are the two processes that form ammonia?

The two processes that form ammonia are the Haber process, which involves combining nitrogen and hydrogen under high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst, and the Ostwald process, which involves oxidizing ammonia to form nitric acid and then reducing it back to form ammonia.

What is used in the haber process?

its an iron catalyst (iron oxide)

Which process is iron used as catalyst?

Iron is used as a catalyst in the Haber process, which is the industrial method for producing ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen gases. The presence of iron catalyst helps to increase the rate of the reaction and improve the yield of ammonia.

Identify the metal used as the catalyst in the Haber process?

Iron is the metal typically used as the catalyst in the Haber process.

A material used to increase the rate of a reaction is a...?

catalyst. A catalyst is a substance that increases the speed of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process.

Why is porous pot catalyst used in cracking hydrocarbons?

A porous pot catalyst is used in cracking hydrocarbons to provide a large surface area for the reaction to occur, increasing the efficiency of the process. The catalyst helps lower the activation energy required for the cracking reaction, allowing it to proceed at lower temperatures and reducing energy consumption. Additionally, the porous structure of the catalyst allows for better contact between the reactants and the catalyst, enhancing the rate of the reaction.

What are the impacts of ostwald process on environment?

Wilhelm Ostwald developed the Ostwald Process in 1902, as a chemical process for making nitric acid. It provides the main raw material for the most common type of fertilizer production. This process led to farmers being able to produce more and better crops. This led to more food availability of a better quality for humans. Use of fertilizers has a negative impact on the environment by depleting the quality of soil and altering the biology of bodies of water.

When was Ronny Ostwald born?

Ronny Ostwald was born in 1974.

When was Klaus Ostwald born?

Klaus Ostwald was born in 1958.

Which element is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of margarine?

Nickel is commonly used as a catalyst in the manufacture of margarine. It helps in the hydrogenation process, where unsaturated fats are converted to saturated fats to make the margarine solid at room temperature.