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Most likely Science Fiction, because of the concept of the vampire.

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Q: What category would the book Vampire Plaque be in Science Fiction or Fiction?
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Where is bobby darin buried?

He donated his body to science, though I understand there is a rock and a plaque donated to him by his family in LA.

What is plaque on the brain?

Do you mean brain plaque? Amyloid plaques in the brain generally are found in people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease. According to, these plaques are bunches of beta amyloid protein and small fragments of neurons. The plaques float in the tissue that surrounds and lies between nerve cells. As yet, scientists are not clear about whether these plaques are side effects of Alzheimer's or may be harmful themselves. Brain Plague is a science fiction book.

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Can you make a sentence for the word plaque?

I went to the dentist and he removed the plaque from my teeth

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test on how long certain flavors last and how it actually prevents plaque and how the stomach cannot digest gum.

What is plaque and how can you prevent it forming?

plaque is dirt in your teeth

Does Cheese Remove Plaque?

No, cheese does not remove plaque.

What does Plaque stick to?

Plaque adheres to the crevices and fissures of the teeth

How exercises decreases plaque in veins?

Veins do not build plaque

When did Plaque Attack happen?

Plaque Attack happened in 2600.