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Bactria in the plaque

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Q: What cause germination on teeth?
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Does unhealthy teeth cause you to have cold sores?

Unhealthy teeth doesn't cause you to have cold sores.

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Yellow teeth is not proven to cause cancer. People should be smart however, and take care of their teeth and gums.

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What are the types of germination?

The two main types of germination are epigeal germination, where the cotyledons emerge above the soil surface, and hypogeal germination, where the cotyledons remain below the soil surface. Epigeal germination is common in dicot plants, while hypogeal germination is common in monocot plants.

Can wisdom teeth cause other forward teeth to become cracked by pressure?

No, that can't really happen. Teeth can get cracked my a number of different things.NoIt is very unlikely that front teeth get cracked due to pressure caussed by wisdom teeth. Usually it takes a trauma to crack a tooth. NOalthough they cannot crack your teeth, they WILL cause pressure and cause your other teeth pain and make them crooked

Do worms in kids cause teeth gritting in their sleep?

Yes.Worms have teeth! By: Chloe

Why is it important to brush teeth?


Does an octopus have teeth?

An octopus does not have teeth is has a beak.

What is hypogeal germination?

Hypogeal germination is a type of seed germination where the cotyledons remain below the ground after germination. The stem elongates to bring the cotyledons and leaves above the soil surface. This type of germination is common in dicot plants.