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Maurice ceased his destruction of the littluns' castle and continued on to the water because he grew bored of destroying the sand castles and found the idea of swimming in the water more appealing at that moment. Additionally, the change in activity could have been influenced by a shift in environmental conditions or social dynamics among the group.

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Q: What caused maurice to cease his destruction of the littluns castle and continue on to the water?
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Lord of the flies What caused Maurice to cease his destruction of the little ones castle and continue on to the water?

Maurice stops destroying the little one's castle and goes to the water to bathe because he sees Percival crying and feels guilty. Maurice realizes the impact of his actions on the little one and decides to show some remorse by comforting Percival.

Lord of the Flies - Who knocks over the sand castle?

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In the dudgeons

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Well Maurice went in the castle to hide from the wolves! but then belle went in looking for him!

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Roger and Maurice.

Lord of the Flies who knocks over the sand castle?

roger and maurice i believe...

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She was looking for her father Maurice who went in there to hide from the wolves

Why does some sort of excuse come to maurice mind?

After he'd followed Roger's example and trampled the sand castle of the three littluns Maurice hurried away and to quote from the book... 'In his other life Maurice had received chastisement for filling a younger eye with sand. Now, though there was no parent to let fall a heavy hand, Maurice still felt the unease of wrong-doing. At the back of his mind formed the uncertain outlines of an excuse.' Essential Maurice had been punished for hurting at least one younger child in the past and knew that he had just done something wrong again. So, he was guiltily preparing an excuse to try and avoid a punishment which wasn't going to happen, as there was nobody around to call him to account.