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It was the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate that caused the volcano to erupt. They rubbed together causing tremors. The volcano has been eruptig since the ice age frequently.


"they rubbed together". Pardon?. Iceland is on a constructive plate boundary, that of the North Atlantic floor plate rifting - the island is essentially part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge of volcanoes along that fracture. That is a greatly simplified description - the Atlantic's widening is very much more than a single crack - but the Eurasion and North American Plates are continental in type and now, well, an ocean's width apart.

"since the Ice Age". Which Ice Age? We are still in AN ice-age, though whether the present marine transgression is part of a temporary warm phase that started about 12ka, or the complete end of the present ice-age in entirety, only time will tell. If the latter, just be glad you and I won't be alive to find out. Incidentally, this is irrespective of any man-made influences on the rate of change.

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