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This was triggered following the terrorist attacks against the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon on 11th September 2001. The government of George W. Bush claimed that it had firm evidence that the then Taliban government of Afghanistan had actively supported the terrorists, with funding, training and logistics support, and was turning their country into a haven for the training, instruction and equipping of Islamic terrorists. A military offensive was begun later the same year to remove the Taliban from power, allegedly to neutralise the terrorist threat that it posed to America. Whilst there was indeed some truth in the claim that the Taliban regime was engaged in supporting terrorism, it was not doing so to anything like the degree that the Bush administration alleged, and was not able to afford to fund large terror campaigns in the way Bush claimed. Many people thus felt that the assault on Aghanistan was mainly a knee-jerk revenge attack against a fundamentalist Islamic country, in revenge for the attacks on New York.
The USA went to war with Afghanistan not because we hate Afghanistan. We actually went to war with the Taliban that was (and still is) inside of Afghanistan. Taliban is a political party; USA wants to stop them now before they could possibly become the rulers and completely ruin Afghanistan. The USA is in Afghanistan so we can stabilize Afghanistan.

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Q: What caused the US to go to war with Afghanistan?
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When did the US go to war in Afghanistan?


When did the United State enter the Afghanistan war?

The war in Afghanistan seems to have been going on for the longest time. US soldiers were first sent into Afghanistan after the Russian pulled out of Afghanistan. The first US soldiers entered Afghanistan in 2001.

Why did the us go to war with Afghanistan?

remember september 11 2001 Osama bin Laden attacked the world trade centers so we went to war with Afghanistan because of 9/11

Why did you go to war in Afghanistan?

As apart of the War on Terror.

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WhY did the U.S. Go to war in Afghanistan?

The US retaliated for an attack on US soil on September 11, 2001. It was that but even deeper. The reason the US went to war in Afghanistan was because it was established globally that Bin Laden was behind the attack on the US on 9/11 and that he was being harboured in Afghanistan by the Taliban. After many failed attempts to negotiate a turn over of Bin Laden to the US, the US finally launched a formal attack on Afghanistan and more precisely, the Taliban. (see the related link below)

Why did Australia go to war in Afghanistan?

because they were told to..

How did the world war 1 affect the economy of the US?

it caused the economy to go down

When did the US go into Afghaniston?

they went to Afghanistan in 2001

What year did the canadians go to war in Afghanistan?

October 7 2001

When did the Afghanistan war end?

Which one? For hundreds of years different nations have thought that it would be a good idea to go into Afghanistan. They've all been wrong. If History teaches us one thing its that Afghanistan is the only country in the world never to have been conquered by any nation.

How did Australia get into the war in Afghanistan?

As allies of the United Kingdom and opponents of terrorism, Australia supported them in their decision to go to war, and showed that support in many ways - including sending soldiers into Afghanistan.