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Q: What causes Biomes and vegetation to change?
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Large ecological regions with characteristic types of vegetation are known as?


What factors affect biomes?

Temperature Amount of Sun lighht Precipitation ........... all affect the vegetation in those biomes x

Is it true that vegetation and biome both are same?

no vegetation is the plants in an region or area. A biome is similar to a climate but they are split into smaller biomes. Biomes vary by the "vegetation" temperature, and climate. Its like a more specific list of climate. A steppe biome or climate or polar biome.

What are some fundamental classifications of a biome?

Biomes are communities classified according to predominant vegetation and distinguished by their adaptation to organisms in a specific environment. The two main classifications of Biomes are: Terrestrial biomes (land) and Aquatic biomes (water).

What is terrestrial biomes?

Terrestrial biomes are land-based biomes of differing climates that are known for predominant vegetation and wildlife. Some examples are grasslands, savannah, tundra, and temperate deciduous forests.

What continent has the least number of biomes?

Antarctica has the least number of biomes compared to other continents. It mainly consists of ice and snow with very limited vegetation, resulting in a low diversity of biomes.

What are the 4 most commpn biomes in the US?

Northeast, South, Midwest, and West are four main vegetation regions.

Factors that determine the location of biomes?

Major factors that determine the location of biomes include climate (temperature and precipitation patterns), latitude, altitude, soil type, and topography. These factors influence the type of vegetation that can grow in a specific area, leading to the formation of different biomes such as deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Human activities can also impact the distribution of biomes through deforestation, agriculture, and climate change.

What three factors define a particular climate zone?

Vegetation, Animals, and Plants. Also known as biomes.

What does desertification do to climate?

Desertification causes the area to have a lack of rain since there is a lack of vegetation. This will change the climate to an arid state.

What is the chaparral biomes animals adaptations?

The Chaparral's animal adaptation is their small size. It allows them to easily move through the vegetation.

Loss of vegetation?

Causes erosion.