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Misshapen pupils can be caused by several things such as iridocyclitis or iritis. The medical term for misshapen pupils is synechia.

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Q: What causes Misshapen pupils in the eye?
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Do Thymol causes dilated pupils?

Yes, thymol can result in dilated and fixed pupils which could then be damaging to the eye if you go to the area of increased sun exposure. This mostly occurs in overdose of thymol.

What are eye pupils for?

for you to seee

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Is night blindness caused by pupils not dilating sufficiently?

possible - most likely vitamin deficiency and/or abnormal rod cell count in eyes or possibly another eye disorder - infection or cataract. Check with an eye doctor or research online night blindness and causes. Night blindness due to constricted pupils is not total. Persons using pilocarpine eye drops have small pupils. Now it is rarely used. In darkness, you need more light , and the pupils dilate naturally. In contrast, pupils become small in bright sun light to cut down light.

Shining a flashlight into your eye would cause your pupils to become?

Your pupils would dilate

Where to find pupils and irises on your body?

its in your eye

What to see?

your eye pupils help you see

My eye doctor said my optic nerves are huge in both of my eyes is that why my pupils are so big all the time?

Optic nerves can make eye pupils be big all the time. If the eye doctor told you this then it is correct.

What use to see?

your eye pupils help you see

Why are eye pupils colored?

The color of the pupil is due to the presence of pigments in the iris of the eye. The concentration and distribution of these pigments determine the color of the pupil, which can range from light blue to dark brown. The pigments help regulate the amount of light entering the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.