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The molecules that make up the air inside the car get heated up by the sun causing them to move faster and grow farther apart building up the air pressure inside the car. After a while the pressure becomes so great that the window cracks, then brakes, releasing the built up pressure.

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Rapid temperature changes between the hot exterior and cool interior of a car can create stress on the glass, leading to cracks or blowouts. The tightly closed windows restrict airflow and can trap heat inside, exacerbating this temperature difference. This, combined with any existing imperfections in the glass, can increase the likelihood of a blowout or crack occurring.

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Q: What causes a car with tightly closed windows occasionally have a window blow out or crack when exposed to the sun on a hot day?
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What causes double pane windows to sweat?

Double pane windows sweat when there is a significant difference in temperature and humidity between the inside and outside of the glass. This temperature difference causes condensation to form on the interior surface of the glass. Proper ventilation and controlling indoor humidity levels can help reduce window condensation.

What crushes a tightly corked tin can containing steam when cold water is poured on it?

When cold water is poured on a tightly corked tin can containing steam, the rapid cooling of the steam creates a pressure difference that causes the can to crush. The steam condenses into water, leaving a vacuum inside the can. The external atmospheric pressure then crushes the can due to the lack of pressure inside.

Why does a balloon pop with heat?

When a balloon is exposed to heat, the air inside the balloon expands due to the increase in temperature. This causes the pressure inside the balloon to increase beyond what the balloon material can handle, leading to the balloon popping.

What force was responsible for the difference in weight between gold in San Francisco and gold in Denver?

The difference in weight between gold in San Francisco and gold in Denver is due to a phenomenon known as weight gainers. Weight gainers are caused by the combination of the golds unique atomic structure and its environment. The gold in San Francisco is exposed to a higher density of air pressure due to its proximity to the coast which increases the atomic density of the gold. This causes the gold atoms to become more tightly packed - resulting in a higher weight. Denver on the other hand is exposed to a lower density of air pressure due to its inland location causing the gold atoms to be less tightly packed - resulting in a lower weight.

Can iron be magnetised?

Yes, iron can be magnetized. When exposed to a magnetic field, the magnetic domains in iron align to create a magnetic field of its own. This causes iron to exhibit magnetic properties.

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a. The hard drive has errors. Run Chkdsk to correct file system errors.b. An application might not be compatible with Windows XP. To find out if you have applications installed that are not certified by Microsoft for Windows XP, run the Sigverif.exeutility.c. The hard drive might be full. To find out, use Windows Explorer, disk Properties window.d. The system might have a virus. To eliminate that possibility, use Anti-virus software.

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