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Probably osteoarthritis which is a degenerative joint disease.

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Q: What causes a crunchy sound in the knee as one ages?
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Does knee have a short vowel?

Yes, the word "knee" does have a short vowel sound. The "ee" in knee is pronounced as a short vowel sound, not a long vowel sound.

What causes knee swell?

water on the knee, torn cartilage, arthritis, these are just a few of the causes.

What makes the sound knee deep in onomatopoeia?

The sound "knee deep" is not an onomatopoeia because it does not imitate a sound like words such as "buzz" or "meow." Onomatopoeias are words that resemble the sound they represent. "Knee deep" is a descriptive phrase, not an onomatopoeic word.

What causes knees to make a crunchy sound?

The noise is usually caused by one of three things: 1. The cartilage in the knee has worn a bit or pieces have chipped off due to injury or wear. This creates an uneven surface, which creates a noise as the rough pieces pull over each other. 2. The sack that holds fluid around the knee becomes inflamed, tight, or develops scar tissue. This can be from use or injury. 3. The kneecap is not aligning correctly, and scrapes as it pulls into position when you bend the leg. Two of these can be treated or improved, depending on severity, with a shot of cortisone into the knee. The other can be improved with special exercises to get the knee to pull into the correct position, a physical therapist or doctor will show you the exercises which will be customized depending on which way your kneecap is pulling. All of these require a visit to a sports medicine doctor, and at minimum an x-ray, to rule out other causes that might cause noise but be more serious and need more aggressive treatment or surgery.

Is the story the knee high man correct for all ages ?

The story of the knee high man is a family folktale. It is appropriate for all ages and is shows the importance of recognizing ones unique gifts.

Which muscle causes the knee to flex?

The Quadriceps.

What causes crunching in your knee when you kneel?

Well, its pretty simple actually. Theres a tumor in your knee.

What causes a mushy material to form around a total knee replacement and cause it to fail?

i have knocking in the knee after total knee replacement is this normal

A concentric contraction of iliopsoas causes?

Extension of knee

What are the most common causes of knee pain?

The best way to find out what the most common causes of knee pain are would be to research it on WebMD or talk to your family doctor.

What is the pronunciation of Giverny?

zhee (as in sh, only with more of a z sound) ver (as in very)nee (as in knee)knee

What are some typical causes of minor knee pain?

According to one expert the most common causes of minor knee pain are: strains, ligament tear, cartilage tear or osteoarthritis. If you have persistent knee pain you should get it properly diagnosed.