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Because you have refilled the bottle germs from your salivia could cause the bacteria to accumulate over a long period of time.. Does this help ???

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Q: What causes algae in a bottle refilled with purified water?
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What causes red algae to be red?

red algae can be when you scratch it and then when you scratch it to much there can be a problem!

Do bottle nosed dolphins eat algae?

Yes, it accounts for 36% of their Summer diet.

Which group of algae produce agar agar?

Agar comes from Red Algae (primarily the Gracilaria genus).It mainly is produed from the red algae Gracilaria lichenoides.This algae is harvested along the western coast of the United States and in parts of Asia. To extract the agar the Algae is boiled, cooled, purified and then dried. The agar is then make into blocks, flakes, or granules.("Agar agar" is usually abbreviated as "agar".)

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What causes green algae?

Too much sunlight on the tank!!

In winter the pool is covered except when the pool people come to service the pool what causes the pool to get algae?

well when you leave your pool covered for the winter, you are unable to put chlorine into it. Chlorine prevents algae so to answer your question, the lack of chlorine causes algae

How does phosphours affect the bay?

It causes plant growth and algae growth

What does algae in water bottles do to rabbits?

Water bottles with algae should be thrown away. A water bottle should be washed out every time you refill it (daily) if you wash it out like this, algae will never build up to start with. The Algae could quite possibly cause GI upsets which in rabbits will be very serious.

Is algae in the rainforest green?

because its full of plants and plants are full choraphyll and chloraplats with are green wich causes the plant to become green.

Why does bottled water have algae?

Bottled water is basically 100% pure water(H2O). The bottle is air-tight to prevent contamination, this means that it is only filled with nothing but water and not algae. The presence of algae growing in it means that it's contaminated and it is generally unsafe to drink.

Why would a farm pond turn red during hot dry weather?

Warm sunny weather causes algae to photosynthesize and grow. In the case of a pond turning red, the algae in question would be red algae

How long after putting in black algae out can you go swimming?

it would be nice to know this since the bottle does not say anything about this....