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An object can obtain a negative charge by gaining excess electrons. When an object gains more electrons than protons, it becomes negatively charged. This can happen through processes such as friction, induction, or contact with another negatively charged object.

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Q: What causes an object to have an negative charge?
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What BEST describes an object with a negative electric charge?

An object with a negative electric charge has an excess of electrons compared to protons, resulting in an overall negative charge. This causes the object to repel other negatively charged objects, attract positively charged objects, and interact with electric fields in specific ways.

What causes a substance to have a positive charge?

the object has to have more positive charges than negative charges.

What is a negative charged object?

A negative charged object is an object that has an excess of electrons, giving it an overall negative charge. This excess of electrons causes the object to repel other negatively charged objects and attract positively charged objects.

Can you tell if an object has a positive or negative charge with a electroscope?

Yes, an electroscope can determine if an object has a charge, but it cannot distinguish between a positive or negative charge. If the object causes the electroscope's leaves to diverge, it indicates the presence of a charge on the object. Further experiments or additional methods are required to determine the polarity of the charge.

What does it mean when an object has a positive charge?

When an object has a positive charge, it means that it has an excess of protons compared to electrons. This causes the object to have a net positive charge, making it attractive to objects with a negative charge and repelling other positively charged objects.

What happen when an object with an negative charge touches anther object?

Depends on the charge (and conductivity) of the "other" object.

Is there any negative charge on a positive charged object?

Any "object" larger than elementary particles consists of positive and negative charges. If your object has a negative charge, it simply has more particles with a negative charge than particles with a positive charge.

When an object has too many electrons what charge does it have?

When an object has too many electrons, it carries a negative charge. This is because electrons have a negative charge, so an excess of electrons on an object results in an overall negative charge.

How can an object have a neutral charge if part of the object has a positive and a negative charge?

If an object has both positive and negative charges in different regions, it can still have an overall neutral charge if the total amount of positive charge is equal to the total amount of negative charge. This results in a cancellation of the charges, making the object neutral overall.

What kind of charge does an object that has excess of electrons have?


Which particles moves when an object acquires a net positive or negative charge?

Electrons are the particles that move when an object acquires a net positive or negative charge. In the case of a positive charge, electrons are removed from the object, leaving an excess of positive charge. Conversely, in the case of a negative charge, electrons are added to the object, creating an excess of negative charge.

The charge an object has when it has lost electrons?

Negative charge!!