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The anaconda attacks to defend itself.

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Q: What causes anacondas to attack?
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How are baby anacondas protected?

if the baby anacondas are in danger , the parents attack the animal( s ) and save the babies lives

Are green anacondas dangerous to humans yes or no?

Green anacondas are recorded to attack and kill/wound people in water and on land.

Do anacondas eat young jaguars?

Green anacondas prey on young or adult jaguars. They hide in water and ambush attack the jaguar.

Are anacondas prey or predators?

Answer Both actually. There are several species that'll eat small Anacondas. But as they grow, there are fewer and fewer animals willing to attack them. Adult Anacondas have no regular enemies apart from humans. Answer Anacondas are predators. They actually will eat anything that they can manage to capture, considering their large size.

How good is the anacondas sense of smell?

Bad compared to most other snakes. Because of their natural environment and a lot of other factors of survival, anacondas urinate/excrete very often and this causes them to have a fowl odor. If not properly cared for in captivity, anacondas can be very unpleasant to have.

What are adult anacondas eaten by?

Anacondas always hunt only when hungry. They can eat any animal they can manage to capture. Young Anacondas prefer prey such as fish, frogs, rodents etc. Adult Anacondas can overpower many different kinds of prey. They can eat turtles, sheep, dogs, jaguars, bird eggs, smaller sized mammals etc. Contrary to what is shown in the movies, Anacondas do not really attack humans unless it's provoked. Reports do not reveal a large number of attacks on humans. Therefore, you can probably be rest assured Anacondas are not particularly on the hunt for humans for their daily meals!

Do anacondas have enemies?

other anacondas and people

Why do anacondas shake their rattles?

Anacondas do not have a rattle to shake.

Can anacondas be found in Cairns?

No. Anacondas are not native to Australia.

Do anacondas eat leaves?

No, anacondas do not eat leaves.

What is the anacondas predator?

Yellow anacondas are prey to caimans and jaguars.

Where did anacondas ariginate from?

The anacondas natural territory is central america.