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The acid in the drink makes the nail rust. The nail would rust if you put it in any liquid, but acid makes it rust faster.

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Q: What causes coca cola to make a nail rust?
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What would happen adding Coca-Cola and a nail?

You would make the cola unfit to drink

I am doing a science project and I have to soak a rusty nail in coca cola to see if it removes rust - will it and why does it?

Coca Cola is full of acid.

What happen when you put a nail in a glass of coca cola?

gets ate by acids

What prevents nails from rusting?

Keep the nail in a glass of Coca-Cola for two weeks.

How long does it take for Coca-Cola to remove rust from a nail?

Takes 4 - 5days

Is the nail will be rusted if placed in soft drinks?

It's said that Coca Cola can take the rust off of a rusty nail.

How many chemicals are in coca cola?

There is 20,000000 chemicals in coca cola some including poo

Can Coca-Cola clean metal?

Yes and it can also dissolve a metal nail after about 1 or 2 weeks.

What is the active ingredient in a soft drink that will rust a nail in about four days?

Water and Coca- Cola has phophoric aciod in too

What makes Coca-Cola rust nails?

The concentration of carbonic acid. Its what makes your mouth tingle. Also, it will eventually dissolve the nail.

What kind of materials were used to construct Coca-Cola?

brain stems, cat meat, cow hoofs, horse nipples, and toe nail clippings.

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