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The cause of dermaticgraphic urticaria is to this day unknown. Researchers are doing their best to help the 4-5% of Americans that suffer from this disease. Know that dermaticagraphic urticaria is not always permanent and that there is hope yet.

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Q: What causes dermatographic urticaria?
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What does idiopathic urticaria mean?

idopathic urticaria means cause of urticaria is unknown dr. vijay

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The subterm for the main term of urticaria is........ acute

What is the difference between urticaria and pruritis?

Urticaria, also known as hives, refers to red, raised welts on the skin that are typically accompanied by itching. Pruritis, on the other hand, is a general term for itching of the skin that can occur due to various causes, such as dry skin, allergic reactions, or underlying medical conditions. So, while urticaria is a specific skin condition characterized by welts and itching, pruritis is a symptom of itching that can be caused by a variety of factors.

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What medications can help Urticaria?

Urticaria may be treated with antihistamines such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or desloratadine (Clarinex).

How do you cure urticaria completely?

Urticaria is another name for hives. Treatment is usually in the form of an antihistamine. You cannot cure urticaria completely, but knowing what triggers it can help to decrease the amount of times it affects you.

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Is chickenpox worse than urticaria?

Chickenpox is time limited, while urticaria can continue for years. But chickenpox can kill you and urticaria can't. Hard to say which is better or worse.

What is Aquagenous Urticaria?

Aquagenous Urticaria, also known as Aquagenic Urticaria or Water Urticaria, is a very rare allergy to water. Those afflicted with it develop hives within 15 minutes after contact with water, and the effects can last for up to two hours. There are fewer than 30 known cases in the world.

Where can I find more information about cold urticaria?

Information about cold urticaria can be found on WebMD, Mayo Clinic, Medicine Net, The Cold Urticaria Foundation, Skin Allergies Guide, Health Library and Derm Net.

How do you get urticaria?

I have dermatigraphic urticaria and a minor hydro urticaria and when my symptoms showed up at the age of 3 my dermatologist said i was born with it, so it is probably hereditary even if ur parents dont have it. many people have dermatigraphic urticaria, but it is just called "sensitive skin" in most cases. in stronger cases its called "skin writing"

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