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Nausea and dizziness coupled with blood in the urine should be evaluated by a doctor. This can be a serious condition that requires medication and possibly hospitalization and testing.

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Q: What causes dizziness nausea and blood in urine?
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The most usual cause of blood in the urine is a kidney stone.

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sorry, but you have an S.T.D, I think

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Kidney stones could be a cause. Sometimes when a kidney stone is passed it causes a little bleeding.

What happens when blood appears in urine?

Blood in urine is a symptom of a number of medical conditions. The two most common causes are urinary tract infections and kidney stones. Rarer illnesses causing blood in the urine can be serious, such as tumours. If you are suffering from this problem you should seek medical attention immediately.

Which sexual transmited infection causes blood in urine?

A severe urinary tract infection that has moved into the kidneys or any infection in the kidneys can cause blood in the urine. If you are seeing blood in your urine see a doctor as an infection in the kidneys can cause permanent kidney failure