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Q: What causes lithospheric plates to build up pressure and finally give along transfrom faults?
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What causes lithospheric plates to build up pressure and finally give along transform faults?

Lithospheric plates build up pressure due to the movement of the underlying mantle causing stress to accumulate along transform faults. The build-up of pressure is a result of the friction and resistance between adjacent plates. When this pressure exceeds the strength of the rocks, it causes the plates to suddenly slip past each other, resulting in an earthquake along a transform fault.

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moving of tectonic plates (lithospheric plates)

What do lithospheric plate movements have to do with convection?

there is convection in the mantle. it causes the plates to move.

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lithospheric plate movement

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The force that causes turgor pressure is osmosis.

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It causes blood pressure to increase.

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Low and high pressure systems. Obviously if you have a Low pressure system the barometric pressure will get low. High pressure causes the barometric pressure to rise.

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What causes stress in modern life?

Modern lifestyle is full of stress. It causes so because of the pressure. Pressure in lifestyle, Pressure at workplace.