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The axillary nerve, which orginates from root C7 of the brachial plexus, innervates the deltoid . The radial nerve also orginates off the same cord. So, it may be linked to your cervical spine, or the deltoid muscle compressing the nerve.

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10y ago

There are a number of reasons why Deltoid muscles are in pain. It could be because of a medicine injected or the pain may have radiated from the arms or so because of a condition internally.

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heart attack

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Q: What are some causes of deltoid muscle pain?
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What are some examples of multipennate muscles?

Unipennate lumbricals; Extensor digitorum longus..The triangular deltoid muscle of the shoulder is onethe deltoid muscle is a multipennate not a unipennate, an example of a unipennate is Extensor digitorum longus.

Is the deltoid a skeletal muscle?

The deltoid is an example of skeletal muscle. Some examples of smooth muscle is the muscle lining the GI tract, blood vessels, and the muscles in your eyes that dilate or constrict your pupil. Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart.

What are some causes of cervical pain?

Some potential causes of cervical pain include whiplash, arthritis, muscle strain, and a herniated disc. If you experience prolonged cervical pain it is recommended that you contact a medical professional.

Can a pulled deltoid cause you feel like you are having chest pain and give you some tingling sensations in your arm?

Yes, a pulled deltoid can cause you to feel like you are having chest pain and give you some tingling sensations in your arm. You can use heat rub to ease the pain

What are some sports that use the anterior deltoid muscle?

Table tennis Croquet Squah Minly sports that use feet.

What are typical causes for leg pain?

The most common cause of calf pain is muscle pain. It can be from a muscle strain, usually related to a sports or exercise injury. Other problems that can cause calf pain is circulation problems or knee joint problems.

Symptoms of fibromyalgia?

The symptoms of Fibromyalgia are widespread pain (which is heightened on applied pressure to the pained area or areas), Fatigue, Sleep disturbances due to the pain, muscle spasms and muscle twitching. Fibromyalgia causes widespread pain, so a lot of the other symptoms revolve around the pain. Some people get depression or anxiety issues, not because the disease biologically causes that, just because the psychological toll of being in constant pain can lead to it.

What is a body part starting with d?

It is not actually a body part but humans have a muscle in there shoulder called a deltoid, the deltoid muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder.It was previously called the Deltoideus and the name is still used by some anatomists. It is called so because it is in the shape of the Greek letter Delta (triangle).

What is myocardial bridging?

Myocardial bridging is when a blood vessel that supposed to lie on top of the heart muscle instead goes through the muscle. It's a birth defect that causes chest pain in some people.

What causes constant muscle pain and swelling in the ankle?

For the swollen ankle, its most likely a sprain which can be remedied by icing it and using an ace bandage to wrap your ankle to take some stress of it. As for the muscle pain, which I assume you are referring to your calf muscle, it is most likely caused by the sharp pains in your ankle putting strain on it.

What is some thing that starts with D in your body?

Deltoid muscle, diaphragm, digestive system and dimples are body parts. They begin with the letter d.

What muscles are improved by using a muscle vest regularly?

The pectoral and deltoid muscles are often helped by using a muscle vest although some users say that their lower lumbar back muscles are also helped by it.