

What causes the pressure in a balloon?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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8y ago

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The elastic property of the balloon. The balloon stretches when inflated, and squeezes the gas filling the balloon.

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Q: What causes the pressure in a balloon?
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The pressure on the rubber.

How does the sun make a balloon shrink?

it isn't the sun that causes the balloon to shrink. its the pressure. the higher the altitude, the higher the pressure.

What causes pressure inside a balloon?

hylium (***helium) And actuality the pressure is caused by the elasticity of the balloon itself and don't forget the added pressure of our atmosphere

What causes the air pressure inside an inflated balloon?

The elastic contraction of the rubber in the balloon's membrane causes the pressure in the air inside an inflated balloon. When you inflate a balloon, you have to expand the latex of the balloon, which stretches when filled with air from a pressure of 760 mm Hg to as high as 840 (about 10% higher than standard atmospheric pressure). If you inflate a non-elastic mylar balloon, it takes no effort: the air inside is at the same pressure as the air outside.

What causes pressure inside a helium balloon?

The pressure in a container is due to the particles of the gas hitting the inside walls of the container.

Why balloon bursts at height?

Because of the pressure in the higher atmosphere is much lower than the pressure where it was filled. This causes the pressure inside to expand the balloon up to and past the bursting point. Most likely the tip of the troposphere.

Is the pressure of a balloon greater on the inside or outside?

It's greater on the outside until it rises to a point in the atmosphere where the air is very thing. At that point, the pressure inside the balloon is greater which causes it to pop.

How molecules react when pressure causes a balloon to get bigger?

as the pressure causes the ballon to get bigger the molecules hit the walls of the ballon more often and pressure normally increases as the tempreture increases and volume decreses

What happens when air is blown into a balloon?

Air is transferred from your lungs into the balloon, where it diffuses inside the balloon and due to the elastic tendancies causes it to expand from the pressure of the increasing amount of air you blow in.

What has to happen for a balloon to inflate?

The pressure inside the balloon has to exceed the pressure outside the balloon.

What causes a balloon to fall to the ground?

It's very simple to see the answer. Balloons have a certain type of air pressure and because it is greater than the air around it, it climbs. However, when the air pressure in a balloon is less than the air pressure outside the balloon, the the balloon will start to descend.

Why does a balloon pop as it goes up to the sky?

the pressure has increased