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This answer is more what causes weather systemsto move... Wind in the troposphere gets pushed around the higher the elevation the some it moves. el nino is also a sort of anomoly change in the climate every 7 years same with el nina so thatt effects it as well.

Source : Geograpghy textbook earth matters ron chasmer

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3d ago

Weather systems move from west to east due to the Earth's rotation, known as the Coriolis effect. This effect causes winds and weather patterns to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, resulting in a general eastward movement of weather systems. The prevailing westerly winds in many regions also contribute to the eastward movement of weather systems.

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Q: What causes weather systems to move from west to east?
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Why do weather systems move to the 'right'?

The weather systems move to the right because of the west to east rules. The rules happen because of the wind.

What makes weather systems move?

Weather systems are moved by the large scale wind currents of the Earth. These generall move west in the tropics, east in the middle latitudes, and west near the poles.

What is direction of weather in the continental US?

Weather patterns in the continental US generally move from west to east due to the prevailing westerly winds. However, weather systems can also move in other directions depending on various factors such as high and low pressure systems, jet streams, and local geographic features.

What causes large weather patterns to move from the west to east?

it the air moving and the air moves the clouds

Does the weather in Illinois predict the weather in Ohio?

Not exactly. Weather systems in the United states generally move eastward, so a weather event that is effecting Illinois will likely affect Ohio in some way a few hours later. However, not all systems move directly east, and a system can change quickly.

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Weather typically moves from west to east across the United States due to the prevailing westerly winds. This means that weather systems generally move from the west coast toward the east coast, affecting different regions as they move across the country.

How do they moves in the northern hemisphere?

In the Northern Hemisphere, weather systems generally move from west to east due to the rotation of the Earth. This is known as the westerly wind flow. High pressure systems typically move in a clockwise direction and low pressure systems move counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.

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Weather patterns in the Northern Hemisphere move?

Weather patters in the northern hemisphere, far from the equator, move from west to east. When you get closer to the equator, they'll move east to west.

What direction do air masses move in the us?

Air masses in the US generally move from west to east due to the prevailing westerly winds. These winds are influenced by the rotation of the Earth and the jet stream, which helps steer weather systems across the country. However, air masses can also move in other directions depending on the specific weather patterns and fronts in place.

What direction do high and low pressure systems move and why?

Both types of systems move in the same direction depending on where you live. So these types of systems move along with the weather.

When scientists observe weather patterns in the US in which direction do they find these patterns generally move?

In general weather patterns move west to east, with the exception that weather patterns originating over the Caribbean move south to north up the east coast states.