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63 years (1678-1741)

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Hal Keebler

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Vivaldi lived from 1677 approximately, to 1741, so he lived in the last part of the 17th century, and into the 18th Century.

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Antonio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678.

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The Baroque era.

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63 years (1678-1741)

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Q: What century did Antonio Vivaldi live in?
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How Did antonio vivaldi live?

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What is the birth name of Antonio Vivaldi?

Antonio Vivaldi's birth name is Vivaldi, Antonio Lucio.

Was Antonio Vivaldi a woman?

No, Antonio Vivaldi was a man (Antonio is a man's name).

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What was vivaldis full name?

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi is the full name of Vivaldi.

Where does vivaldi live and how old is he?

Antonio Vivaldi is no longer living. He died at age 63 in the year 1741. He is buried in Vienna.

Who is Vivaldi?

Antonio Vivaldi was a famous musicien.

How did Antonio Vivaldi get interested in music?

Antonio Vivaldi becams einterested in music from his father.

Antonio Vivaldi other career beyond music?

Antonio Vivaldi was also a priest

How many songe did Antonio vivaldi did?

Antonio Vivaldi wrote a total of 611 works.

Who were the parents of Antonio Vivaldi?

Antonio Vivaldi's parents were Giovanni Battista Vivaldiand Camilla Calicchio.

How many songs did Antonio Vivaldi write?

Antonio Vivaldi wrote a total of 611 works.