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There are cells called osteocytes and osteoblasts and osteoclasts always crawling around inside and around bones. They constantly dissolve away bits of bone and constantly lay down new bits of bone. When a bone breaks the physical stresses and chemical signals attract more of these cells to lay down more new bone. Where the two broken ends of a bone touch the new bone laid down "glues" them together. Over time all the bone around the break gets dissolved and rebuilt bit by bit, effectively erasing the crack.

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15y ago
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11y ago

They may hurt a little but if you drink milk it will help grow more bone cells to help make it heal faster. And they undergo pain and other things try searching this and checking other sites for more info but thats all that I know from when I broke my arm

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15y ago

Bone has a cell called osteoblast which builds the bone. To prevent too much bone, cells called osteoclast destroys the bone and reabsorbs the calcium.

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10y ago

Older peoples bones break easier and heal slower because they arent as strong and their bones have probably been broken before so the are softer and more tender.

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7y ago

Bone building cells (osteoblasts) live within bone and are constantly rebuilding it.

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If bones are broken and heal, they always heal themselves when they are broken. All a doctor can do is see that they are properly set so they can heal properly and not at an angle. The body does the actual healing. A number of people walk around with improperly healed fractures.

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Fibrocartilaginous callus Helps broken bones heal.

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Diseases no. However it can be used to heal or help bruises and broken bones depending on how serious the injury is.

Are bones living or nonliving?

Bones are living. Think of it this way, if bones weren't "alive", they wouldn't be able to heal if broken. They are made up of cells that heal the wound, the bone is really just a hard shell that keeps you upright and a home for all those cells.

What happens when a rabbit's tail is broken?

Like all other bones, it will heal in time.

What do you do if your feet is broken?

If your feet are broken, you see a doctor to get them fixed. Bones need to heal. They may be in a cast for that. You may need tendons sewn together. It is important to get your feet to heal correctly.

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Can horses self-heal broken bones?

It depends on the bone that is broken, how it is broken and how old the horse is. Tail bones (coccyx and caudal vertebrae) will generally be left to heal on their own without the need to set or cast the injury; leg bones will generally not heal even if a cast is placed over the break. Also, a smooth break tends to heal worse than a jagged break, because all the cracks and crevices in a jagged break help hold the pieces together. Finally, a young horse (colt, filly, yearling) will typically heal from broken bones better than a mature horse (mare, stallion, gelding) due to the increased weight placed on the skeleton.

Would broken bones heal faster in space?

that's a good question i think i said i think it would heal the same but you never know