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Q: What chapter did tom hit myrtle?
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What chapter and page in The Great Gatsby did tom buy myrtle a dog?

Tom did not buy Myrtle a dog in 'The Great Gatsby.' It was Tom's mistress, Myrtle Wilson, who got the dog as a gift from a character named McKee. This incident occurs in Chapter 2 of the book on page 29.

How did myrtle and tom meet in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtle and Tom first met at a train station in the Valley of Ashes when Tom stopped to help Myrtle after she was hit by a passing car. This encounter eventually grew into an affair between the two characters.

What page does tom break myrtle nose?

Tom breaks Myrtles nose because she would not stop chanting Daisys name. Tom got furious because Myrtle would not stop, after he had told her to stop.

In The Great Gatsby what happens to myrtle in chapter 7?

In Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," Myrtle is killed in a hit-and-run accident by Daisy Buchanan, driving Gatsby's car. Daisy was driving recklessly while trying to escape a confrontation with Tom Buchanan. Myrtle runs onto the road, and Daisy accidentally hits her without stopping.

On what page in the Great Gatsby does Tom punch murtle?

Tom punches Myrtle in the Great Gatsby in Chapter 2. This occurs during a heated argument at the apartment Tom keeps for his affair with Myrtle.

What chapter does George Wilson find out myrtle is having an affair?

George Wilson finds out about Myrtle's affair in Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This discovery ultimately leads to the tragic events that unfold later in the novel.

How does George find out whose car it was that hit Myrtle?

George finds out that Gatsby's car hit Myrtle because Tom reveals it during an argument with George. Tom tells George that the car belongs to Gatsby, not him.

What does tom do when myrtle screams daisys name at him?

Tom hits Myrtle across the face, breaking her nose.

What is Tom's Relationship with Myrtle?

tom is a slease. he is cheating on Daisy with Myrtle but abuses Myrtle for talking bad about Daisy. Myrtle is nothing to tom but his personal mistress. shed do anything he asks and anything for him.

What page does Myrtle die in The Great Gatsby?

Myrtle Wilson dies in Chapter 7 of "The Great Gatsby," not on a specific page as it may vary depending on the edition of the book. She is struck and killed by a car driven by Daisy Buchanan while Myrtle is running away from her husband, George Wilson.

Was myrtle toms girlfriend in The Great Gatsby?

No, Myrtle Wilson is the mistress of Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. Tom is married to Daisy Buchanan, who becomes entangled in a love affair with Jay Gatsby.

What did Tom buy myrtle on the way to the city?

Tom buys Myrtle a puppy on the way to the city.