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Carbon atoms can bond together to form single, double, and triple bonds, long chains, branched chains, and rings, which enables carbon to form so many different compounds with hydrogen, oxygen, and other atoms like phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur.

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3mo ago

Carbon has four valence electrons, allowing it to form strong covalent bonds with other elements. This flexibility enables carbon to form diverse structures and shapes, making it ideal for creating complex biological molecules. Additionally, carbon can form stable bonds with other carbon atoms, leading to the formation of long carbon chains that serve as the backbone for biological compounds.

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12y ago

carbon atoms cavalently bond

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11y ago

Carbon forms four covalent bonds.

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Q: What about the carbon atom makes it an ideal atom to form the backbone or skelton for most biological compounds?
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Which biological molecule is called the backbone of biological molecules and is not used in diagrams?

The carbohydrate molecule is often referred to as the backbone of biological molecules as it is essential for storing and providing energy. However, carbohydrates are often not represented in diagrams of biological molecules for simplification purposes.

Which elements are considered the foundation organic compounds and why?

Carbon and hydrogen are considered the foundation organic compounds because they form the backbone of organic molecules due to their unique bonding properties. Carbon can form four covalent bonds, allowing for a wide variety of complex and diverse organic compounds to exist. Hydrogen commonly bonds with carbon to form the organic compounds found in living organisms.

What is speciality of carbon atom?

The specialty of a carbon atom lies in its ability to form strong chemical bonds with other elements, enabling it to form a wide variety of complex organic compounds. This versatility allows carbon to serve as the backbone of virtually all biological molecules, making it essential for life as we know it. Additionally, carbon can form multiple stable allotropes, such as diamond and graphite, with distinct physical properties.

Is there any organic compound without carbon?

No, all organic compounds contain carbon. Carbon is a unique element that forms the backbone of organic molecules due to its ability to form strong covalent bonds with other elements, facilitating the complex structures and functions found in organic compounds.

What is the Element that provides the backbone for all organic molecules?

Carbon is the element that provides the backbone for all organic molecules due to its ability to form stable covalent bonds with other carbon atoms and a variety of other elements. This unique bonding capacity allows for the diversity of structures and functions seen in organic compounds.

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What atom forms the backbone of most biological molecules?


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Which biological molecule is called the backbone of biological molecules and is not used in diagrams?

The carbohydrate molecule is often referred to as the backbone of biological molecules as it is essential for storing and providing energy. However, carbohydrates are often not represented in diagrams of biological molecules for simplification purposes.

What is a synonym for organic compounds?

There are several: living, essential, biological or biotic.

What are the biological compounds of oil?

Crude oil compounds: Carbon, hydrogen, sulfur nitrogen, oxygen, metals, salts.

Biological chemistry is devoted primarily to the study of compounds containing what element?


What are organic componuds?

From a chemistry point of view, organic compounds are carbon compounds and organic chemistry is the study of carbon and its derivatives. But from a biological aspect, organic compounds are those that are obtained from plants or animals.

What is an organic source?

From a chemistry point of view, organic compounds are carbon compounds and organic chemistry is the study of carbon and its derivatives. But from a biological aspect, organic compounds are those that are obtained from plants or animals.

What are inorganic compounds?

westsideInorganic compounds are of inanimate, not biological, origin. Inorganic compounds lack carbon and hydrogen atoms and are synthesized by the agency of geological systems.

What atom apart from carbon can an organic compound contain?

Organic compounds can contain any element, as long as they bond on the sides of the carbon backbone of the molecule.

Why is carbon is particularly important for the existence of life on earth?

because it is the base (or backbone) of hydrocarbons and other organic compounds .

What is part of all organic compounds?

Carbon is a key component found in all organic compounds. It forms the backbone of organic molecules due to its ability to bond with other atoms in various ways, giving rise to the diversity of organic compounds.