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The sun creates several different kinds of heat. Specifically, the sun gives of ultraviolet radiation, along with electromagnetic radiation. UV rays are the ones responsible for sun burn in humans.

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9y ago
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15y ago

the suns heat is caused by nuclear fusion. The energy for this reaction is supplied by the combined gravity of all the particles (mostly hydrogen) that make up the suns enormous mass.

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11y ago

I dont really know but if you look in your science book i am sure you will find it

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13y ago

It provides "Fusion reaction" which means joining of two small atoms or molecules at very high temperature leading into release of lot of energy.

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6y ago

These are nuclear fusion reactions, not chemical reactions.

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9y ago

Chemical Reaction

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What reaction produces the suns energy?

The Sun produces energy through nuclear fusion in its core. This process involves the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium atoms, releasing a large amount of energy in the form of light and heat.

Describe the reaction that produces the suns energy?

The sun's energy is produced through nuclear fusion in its core, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing energy in the process. This reaction produces an immense amount of heat and light that radiates out from the sun and provides energy for life on Earth.

What form of energy produces the suns heat?

Solar Energy.

What chemical is the suns energy stored?


Why is solar energy inexaustibble?

Because it feeds off the suns light energy it produces

What is a process that traps and converts the suns energy to chemical energy?

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert sunlight into chemical energy in the form of glucose. This process involves capturing light energy with chlorophyll molecules and using it to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen.

What is the kind of energy that leaves convert the suns light energy into?

simple: chemical energy: )

The chemical change of the sun's energy into glucose and oxygen-?

Photosynthesis is the chemical change of the suns energy into glucose and oxygen.

Is the suns energy a form of light energy?

The sun produces electromagnetic energy in many different wavelengths including those within the spectrum visible by humans (i.e. visible light). This energy is the result of an intense nuclear fusion reaction in the sun's core.

What source of energy do organisms use if they don't use the suns energty?

Chemical energy

Where is the Suns energy stored in the process of photosynthesis?

It isin the carbohydrates. It is stored as chemical energy.

What is the chemical change of the suns energy into gluclose and oxygen?

Its called "Photosynthesis"