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Releasing pheromones is one of the ways animals and insects communicate with the other members of their species non-verbally. Pheromones influence the development or behavior of the other members of a similar species.

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Different ones for different species and different meanings. Generally they mean stuff as simple as "good" and "bad" but some are most specific.

The chemicals are pheromones though.

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Q: What chemical substance do insects and many other animals use to communicate?
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What does pheromones mean?

Pheromones are chemical substances produced and released by animals and insects to communicate with others of the same species. These chemicals can elicit specific behavioral responses, such as mating or territorial behaviors.

How do insects communicate with each other?

Insects communicate with each other by sensory.

What are pheromes and how do insect-eating plants use them?

Pheromones are chemical signals that insects, and other animals, release to communicate with each other. Insect-eating plants, like the Venus flytrap, use pheromones to attract prey. These plants release specific scents that mimic those of insects, attracting them to their traps for capture and digestion.

What are the chemical signal so transmitted through water or air?

Chemical signals transmitted through water include pheromones released by aquatic animals to communicate mating or warning signals. In the air, chemical signals can include alarm pheromones released by insects to warn others of danger, or floral scents emitted by flowers to attract pollinators.

Why aren't insects like animals?

Insects are animals.

What four ways do insects communicate?

Insects communicate through pheromones, which are chemical signals that convey messages about mating, finding food, and marking territories. They also use sound or vibrations, such as chirping or drumming, to communicate with other insects of the same species. Visual signals, like body movements or color changes, can also be important for communication. Lastly, tactile communication, such as touching or grooming, can convey information between insects.

Are insects street animals?

no, insects are not street animals. they are bugs and have absolutely no connection to animals.

What type of animals are mosquitoes and wasps and crickets?

they are not animals, they are bugs.

What are carnivore insects?

carnivore insects are insects that eat animals

How do insect communicate?

Insects communicate through a variety of methods including pheromones, sound, and physical movements. They release specific chemicals called pheromones to send signals to other insects for mating or warning of danger. Some insects, like bees, use intricate dances to communicate the location of food sources to their nestmates. Additionally, certain insects produce sounds by rubbing body parts together, which can serve as a form of communication.

What are two ways insects communicate with each other?

Insects can communicate with each other through pheromones, which are chemical signals released to attract mates or mark territory. They also communicate through sounds, such as chirping or buzzing, to warn of danger or attract mates.

Are earthworms animals or insects?

Earthworms belong are Annelids which belong to the Kingdom Animalia so technically they are animals. Insects are also animals (Animalia). But no, earthworms are not insects.