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Yes, he is a Roman Catholic stating so in the December 2009 edition of Rolling Stones in which he stars the cover of ....

Though he doesn't make an orthodox effort, he still holds on to his religion....

Also, if you were a multimillionare actor being followed by thousands of paparazzi, would YOU be able to go to church every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday?

Possibly, but maybe not in secret...

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Valencia Hills Community Church - Valencia, CA

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Don't Worry About It Christian Church

78910 Stalker Fan St

Los Angeles, California 90046

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, Taylor Lautner says he is Catholic (Christian).

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βˆ™ 13y ago

i heard shes catholic but i may be wrong

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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What gym does Taylor Lautner go to?

I dont know! ask Taylor Lautner!

Do they have a picture of Taylor Lautner's sister?

Yes they do!! Go to Taylor Lautner and his sister on google!! and there you will find it!!

What preschool did Taylor Lautner go to?

Zeeland Christian School. I know this because his teacher goes to my church! and I went to ZCS

Did Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift go out?

Yes in 2009

Is Taylor Lautner gay?

No Taylor Lautner is not gay

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Who did Taylor Lautner go out with?

Taylor Lautner go out with Taylor Swift

What gym does Taylor Lautner go to?

I dont know! ask Taylor Lautner!

What is Taylor Lautner's food?

Taylor Lautner has no food Allergies so there you go

What is Taylor Lautner's food allergies?

Taylor Lautner has no food allergies so there you go

Do they have a picture of Taylor Lautner's sister?

Yes they do!! Go to Taylor Lautner and his sister on google!! and there you will find it!!

Does Taylor Lautner go with Taylor Swift?

Not anymore.

What is Taylor Lautner full name?

Taylor Daniel Lautner Taylor Daniel Lautner

Where can you find pix of Taylor Lautner shirtless ahhhh?

Go onto photo bucket and type in 'Taylor lautner shirtless' and it should come up.

Did bella thorn date Taylor Lautner?

Yes she said she want to go back out with Taylor lautner

What preschool did Taylor Lautner go to?

Zeeland Christian School. I know this because his teacher goes to my church! and I went to ZCS

Did Taylor Lautner go to the Oscars?


What is Taylor Lautner's real name?

Taylor Daniel Lautner is Taylor Lautner's full birth name; his real name is Taylor Lautner.