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Macbeth does not take place in a city exactly. The first scenes are thought to be near the town of Forres. Macbeth's castle, at which Duncan is killed, is at Inverness, which is a city, although the castle is not exactly in the city. (Duncan says "the air nimbly and sweetly recommends itself" which would not be true in a city). The later scenes are at the castle at Dunsinane, which is also in the country.

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Q: What city in Scotland does Macbeth take place?
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In which Century dose MACBETH take place?

It takes place in 11th Century Scotland

Where was Macbeth written?

Macbeth was written in London by William Shakespeare and describes events that take place in Scotland.

Where does Macbeth mostly take place?

In Scotland. There is only one scene in England.

Where does the crowning ceremony take place in Macbeth?

The crowning ceremony in Macbeth takes place at Scone, where Macbeth is officially crowned as King of Scotland. This event is significant as it marks Macbeth's ascension to power after he murders King Duncan.

What did Macbeth take?

Macbeth took the throne by killing King Duncan and subsequently becoming King of Scotland.

Who is the inherit the throne of Scotland and when will the coronation take place in Macbeth?

Two coronations are referred to in the play: that of Macbeth, and that of Malcolm. Neither of them really inherits the throne, because the law of that time held that the king was elected (see "Then 'tis most likely the election will fall on Macbeth")

What countries were at war in the play Macbeth?

At the start of MacBeth, MacBeth is fighting Norway when he became the Thane of Cawdor after the present thane's death. However, once MacBeth becomes the king of Scotland himself, MacDuff leads an army in civil war against him eventually resulting in his death. Scotland was in constant turmoil and revolt against MacBeth until he was removed from power when Malcolm was named the new king.

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What country was Malcolm made prince of in Macbeth?

Cumberland, which is not really a separate country, but rather a district in England. Presumably we are to assume that at the time these events take place, it is part of Scotland. Otherwise it is kind of a cheap appointment.

Which of Shakespeare's plays was set in Scotland?

Much Ado About Nothing is set on the island of Sicily. All of the history plays, plus Cymbeline, King Lear, and The Merry Wives of Windsor take place in England, and Macbeth takes place in Scotland, all of which are in the British Isles. Elsinore Castle where Hamlet is set is also on an island. Part of Pericles is set in Mytilene which is on the island of Lesbos. The Tempest is also set on an unnamed island. That makes eighteen plays, almost half of all the plays Shakespeare wrote.

Where does Schrodinger's Baby take place?

The story takes place in Glasgow, Scotland.

Did the battle between Scotland and Norway actually take place as depicted in Macbeth?

The battle between Scotland and Norway in Macbeth is based on historical events, specifically the Battle of Flodden in 1513. However, the play takes liberties with the actual historical details for dramatic purposes, such as the characters involved and the outcome of the battle. So while there was a real battle between Scotland and Norway, the events in Macbeth are not historically accurate.