

What class is iron in?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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Iron is classified as a metal element in the Periodic Table. It belongs to the d-block in the transition metals group.

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Q: What class is iron in?
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What class of nutrients include iron?

Iron is included in the class of nutrients called minerals.

Bravery medals did Hitler get?

He received the Iron Cross, second class and the Iron Cross, first class during WW1.

What were the other medals Hitler won?

He won the Iron Cross, second class and the Iron Cross, first class during WW1.

Did Hitler win any metals in World War 1?

Iron cross Second class Iron cross First class Wound Badge

What medals did Hitler win?

Hitler was decorated twice during WW1. He received the Iron Cross, second class in 1914, which was relatively common, as well as the Iron Cross, fist class in 1918 which was less common. His Iron Cross, first class was actually recommended to be given to him by Hugo Gutmann who was a Jewish List adjutant.

Was Hitler actually was awarded Iron Cross first class or was it really only second class?

Iron Cross Second Class was awarded in October 1916. The 2nd Class is worn on the tunic with only a ribbon in the button hole. The 1st Class is a badge that is worn on the front breast.

Did Adolf Hitler win any awards?

Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class (1914) Iron Cross first class (1918) Black Wound Badge (1918)

how many awards did Hitler have?

Hitler was twice decorated for bravery. He received the Iron Cross Second Class in 1914 and the Iron Cross First Class in 1918, an honour rarely given to a lance corporal.

Why do iron and steel stick to magnets?

because i learned it in class and my teacher told the class that magnets only stick to iron or steel and teachers DO NOT LIE.

Nazi iron cross do you have any idea what it is worth?

There are several types of Iron Crosses. There are some from WW1 that are worth $40 - $70. The WW2 Iron Crosses are worth more. Then there are various classes. Iron Cross 1st Class has a pin on the back to wear on the uniform. It is worth more than the 2nd Class which hung from a ribbon. The 1st Class from WW2 is probably worth more than $100. If they are hallmarked they are worth even more.

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What were the two awards Adolf Hitler received in the army?

Iron cross, 2d class...................