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Q: What climatic regions are found in south amercia but not ein north amercia?
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Canada is in North America

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They didn’t leave records, but did leave their settlements that historians have found.

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north amercia

What is the largest country in North Amercia?

It would be Canada.

What country is north of the UNited states of amercia?

Canada is north of the United States.

What is a climatic region that is found around the polar seas in the far north that starts with T?

It is the tundra

The divisions of the worlds climatic regions are represented on grid maps by?

The divisions of the world's climatic regions are typically represented on grid maps by isotherms. Isotherms are lines connecting points of equal temperature, helping to visualize temperature patterns across different regions. This method allows for a clear depiction of temperature variations and gradients in different parts of the world.

What strait separates North Amercia from Asia?

The Bering Strait.

Do elephants live in the desert?

Yes. Desert elephants can be found in north-west regions of Namibia.

Which regions are cactus found in south Africa?

Mainly in the west and north west as these are arid regions.