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A "messenger" was a normal person and not some one special so they wore what everyone wore in the time. A woolen tunic in the Roman style in basic colors with no decoration, turn style leather shoes, a hat, and cloak when it was cold.

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14y ago

Merchants wore a surcoat that would end above their knees. The coats would be of a bright colour and could have a trim of fox fur. A belt with a purse attached was worn. To keep warm the merchant class wore stockings or tights. The merchants wore shoes with long tips, which used to be so long sometimes that they had to be fastened to the knees with jeweled chains. The peasants out of necessity wore only rough clothing, as they had to work hard in the fields.


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13y ago

They wore whatever clothes were appropriate for the time and area. Spies don't have special uniforms, as that would defeat the purpose. They look like everyone else, because they are everyone else. They just happen to be delivering information to someone.

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Q: What clothes did medieval merchants wear?
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I'm not sure... sorry, I'm not too helpful! I think they sold dresses for the women and whatever the men wore... The people had to get their clothes from somewhere, so it was probably from the clothes merchants!

what clothes did merchants wear in the middle ages?

Merchants wore a surcoat that would end above their knees. The coats would be of a bright colour and could have a trim of fox fur. A belt with a purse attached was worn. To keep warm the merchant class wore stockings or tights. The merchants wore shoes with long tips, which used to be so long sometimes that they had to be fastened to the knees with jeweled chains. The peasants out of necessity wore only rough clothing, as they had to work hard in the fields. ~ Choclate892, in "What clothes did medieval merchants wear?"

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Clothes. I think they would also were robes so that they wouldn't get their normal clothes dirty