

What color does cupric sulfate burn?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What color does cupric sulfate burn?
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What is the synonym of copper sulfate?

copper sulfate, cupric sulfate, cupric sulphate.l

Cupric sulfate formula?

Cupric or copper II sulfate is CuSO4

What is the color if mixed cupric sulfate and ammonium hydroxide solution in water?

deep green

What will happen if you heat cupric sulfate?

It will change its color. From blue it will become white. It will change its color. From blue it will become white.

What color does sulfate burn?


What will cupric sulfate dissolve?

In water

What happens when cupric sulfate and cupric chloride are mixed with water?

CuSO4 + H20

- What would happen to the anhydrous cupric sulfate if you added water to it?

If you were to add water to anhydrous cupric sulfate it would be pentahydrate a bright blue.

Which faster dissolves first the solid cupric sulfate or powdered cupric sulfate?

powders have larger surface areas so will dissolve faster

Why does cupric chloride burn blue?

The color is due to the radiation emitted by copper.

What is the colour of soluble cupric salts?

Cupric sulfate and chloride are blue; also cupric carbonate is blue but not soluble in water.