

What color is earth's mantle?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Answer Most people would say blue and green, but it is really mostly red, yellow, orange and green. The ocean is not blue it is clear.
(that is from the view of a rocket, although from the view of a rocket the earth would be surrounded by clouds so it would have splodges of misty white around it)
and if you mean the earth as in the ground then its probably brown (mud) and green (grass) but that depends where you are because you might be in a sand pit for all i know (if you are by chance in a sandpit then the ground is yellowy-orange :P AdditionalGenerally, it is considered the "blue planet".

--> I'll think your find that water does actually have a blue color that is only noticeable in large quantities. Which is a reflection of its chemical composition. The planet is considered to be mostly reddish colours when striped down due to the large amounts of oxidized iron in the soil and rocks. You'll find the composition of the earth is similar to that of the nearby planet Mars.
From a distance, the blue of the water and the white of the clouds stand out the most.
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11y ago

Maybe sometimes red, blue, green, or whatever it is.

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11y ago

From a distance, the blue of the water and the white of the clouds stand out the most.

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14y ago

The color of the crust is brown.

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earth's mantle is orange

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It’s light blue.

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