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White, since we can only see the color when all of the light hitting it is reflected.

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Q: What color object would reflect more light?
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What color would a green object under red light?

It would be black becasue the object would absorb all the red light, and there would be no green light for it to reflect

What color will a red object appear under green light?

It would appear black because the object would not reflect any of the colors of light back.

Would a black microscopically flat or smooth object reflect light?

A flat object would reflect light but it depends on what sort of flat object is it.

What color would a green object be if you shined an orange light on it?

A "green" object is called "green" because that's the only color of light it reflects, and it absorbs any other color. If orange light is shining on it, then there's no light for it to reflect, and it looks black to you.

What does a ''colorless'' object look like?

A colorless object appears white or transparent. It has no specific hue or shade and does not reflect or absorb any particular wavelengths of light to create a color. Instead, it reflects all visible light equally, resulting in a colorless appearance.

What would a red object look like under a yellow light?

Blue appears black under a yellow light. For example if you have a blue car and you put a yellow light on it will appear black due to the absence of color. The light has nothing to reflect back.

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What colour will a green object be if only blue light was shone on it?

Black, because the blue light would be absorbed into the object's pigment and as there is no green light to reflect, the object would appear black.

What objects reflect and absorb light?

Any object you can see reflects light. If it did not reflect any light it would be invisible. Similarly, no object is so reflective that it reflects all light. The proof that it absorbs light is that it increses in temperature as it is exposed to light.

What has to happen to light for you to see objects?

You can see an object because white light reflects off the object. If you are looking at an orange in blue light, for example, you would see black because the orange is absorbing the blue light. So, for you to see an object, light of the same color has reflect off of it. White light is composed of all the colors of light.

If something does not have a color what color would it be?

An object without color is black. Black does not reflect any wavelengths of white light back to the viewer, so the viewer will not perceive a color. The best example of this is empty areas of outer space. i think you would call it opaque

How does white paper reflects heat?

We see color based on the way objects reflect light. Different wavelengths of light are different colors, and the light that an object reflects is what we see. For example, a red ball reflects red light, and so we see the ball as red. Any light that the object doesn't reflect is absorbed, so the red ball would absorb all the light that isn't red. This light then turns into heat. In science, white is the absence of light, and so white objects reflect all light. This means that the object isn't absorbing any light, and so the object isn't absorbing any heat.