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Black like many other ethnicities. Brown might be popular among them also but not as much as black...

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Q: What color of hair do Russians mainly have?
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What color hair and eyes do pure russians have?

Hair color: mostly dark blond or light brown. Eye color: mostly blue, grey, green, hazel.

What is lucille balls hair color?

Her natural hair color is brown, but in her younger years she had it blond or brown. However, she had it mainly red after that and is very famous for the red.

What cause hair color?

Hair is simply old proteins (mainly) and the color of hair is determined by our genetic makeup and composition of those proteins, although that is not firmly determined. It is believed to be controlled by melanin, particularly eumalanin and phenomelanin.

What is the main god Russians worship?

Russians are mainly orthodox christians so there god is yahweh and Jesus?

How did hitler kill Jews and Russians?

Jews were put to death, mainly by shooting or gassing. (Gentile) Russians were worked to death.

Why does the hair on your head change color?

Hair color is determined by the amount and type of melanin present in the hair follicles. As we age, the production of melanin decreases, causing hair to gradually lose its color and turn grey or white. Other factors such as genetics, hormones, and stress can also influence changes in hair color.

What color is jonghyun's hair color?

His hair color is blue

How do you prevent getting white hair?

White hair is caused by stress so if you lower your stress level you push back that white hair color. Also smoking drinking and aging help this hair. Try naturaly dying it or just get a new white hair look you never know. _______________ White/Graying hair is mainly genetics, which is out of our control. To prevent it, invest in salon hair color.

Which is correct-- What color are your hair or what color is your hair?

"What colour is your hair?" is correct.

What s hair color?

Hair color is a product that can be purchased in many retail stores. When applied, hair color will change the appearance of your current hair color.

Can you apply permanent hair color on semi permanent hair color?

Yes, you can apply permanent hair color on top of semi-permanent hair color. Make sure that you do a deep conditioning treatment or hair masque before and after you color your hair.

What is Eminem natural hair color?

The color of his hair is brown. You can see his natural color in his eyebrows.