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strawberry red

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Q: What color of red was Lucille Ball's hair before orange?
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What is lucille balls favorite color?

Lucille balls favorite color is blue and purple <3

What color were the balls used when the Houston Astrodome first opened?


What is lucille balls hair color?

Her natural hair color is brown, but in her younger years she had it blond or brown. However, she had it mainly red after that and is very famous for the red.

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7 red balls 4 white balls 7 orange balls what is the probability of picking the same color 2 out of 3 times?

the same probability as me shaging your ma tonight gigity

What is the color of of the five ball in billiards?

In billiards there are only 3 balls, 2 white 1 red.

Are oranges called oranges because they are orange or is orange called orange because oranges are orange?

Yes. see, the orange like the fruit came before the color orange. the color orange came from the orange (fruit), how it was colored. so if the orange were to say have been purple then instead of purple the color purple would've been orange. i know, it's a hard concept to understand. but, that is the answer.

What pms color is basketball orange?

According to NCAA specifications, basketball game balls are one of 3 PMS colors. The pantone colors are Orange 151, Red-Orange 173 or Brown 1535.

In the visible spectrum what color comes before green and orange?


What color are the balls inside the adderall xr 30 mg capsules?

yellowish orange. some are darker than others though.

Is the orange orange because the color orange is orange or is the color orange orange because the orange is orange?

Orange is the color Orange because of capital letters but with capital it is the fruit orange