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None. The color of the container does not change the liquid's heat absortion rate. What the color can do is speed up or slow down the heat transfer to the liquid inside. black or darker colors absorb more energy while white or lighter colors reflect more energy.

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3w ago

Dark-colored containers, such as black containers, tend to absorb the most heat because they absorb a wider range of wavelengths from the sun's radiation compared to light-colored containers. This absorption of heat energy causes the containers to warm up more quickly.

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13y ago

Yes. If you use a colored container what happens is the container absorbs all light (heat) except for the light of the color of the container, so heat builds up and evaporation will happen.

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9y ago

Yes the color of liquid contributes to it's ability to absorb heat. This is because depending on the color, the wavelength varies. Black absorbs most heat.

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15y ago

The darker the liquid, the more energy it absorbes and the less energy it reflects.


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15y ago

A mat black container.

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Q: What colored container absorbs the most heat?
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