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a wide variety, many have more than one color to each bloom, what color are you looking for? the dominant color for the particular variety of iris is usually not the only color. For example, bearded iris has many color variations, and hybrids of the bearded iris often show case colors you wouldn't see in a Van Gogh painting, of blue, yellow or white irises. There are colors such as burnished red, or pastel blue with other colors highlighting the same bloom. Most common colors are the dominate genetically, such as with a tulip red is dominate, blue yellow and white are dominate with the gennetics of the iris. hybryds have become our more common ideas of what flowers should look like, producing hybrids perhaps since it predates DNA and rna, knowledge, now that we have that knowledge, I am sure you could aquire a "glow in the dark iris" with the right money, after all, hybrids go back centuries but the purple potatoe was created with DNA tampering, a modern day creation of the hybrid.

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8y ago

Irises are blue, yellow, white, green, pink, orange, brown, and purple. It is not a bright red.

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Heterochromia is the condition of two colors, especially of the iris.

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Iris was named after the goddess of the rainbow. There are seven colors in the rainbow.

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The colours of the human eye iris is black and white.

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Iris was. This is the connection for having named that part of the eye which surrounds the pupil, after Iris, connoting 'many colors'.

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The colored portion of the eye is called the iris. The color of the iris can vary greatly. Some people have brown irises, others have blue, green, or hazel. These are the most common iris colors in humans.

What color is iris?

The color of the iris can vary depending on genetics and pigmentation. Common colors include brown, blue, green, hazel, and gray.

Why colors are different to your eyes?

nColour of the iris is usually brown . nIt is because of the pigment melano cysts nThe blue colour of the iris is because of the less amount of melano cysts pigment nIncreasing amount of iris pigment produced green hazel and brown iris nRarely one iris can be different colour than the other iris. This is know as hetrochromia irides

Who is the greek goddess of colors?

As far as I know, there is no greek goddess of colors.

Where does the name Iridium originate from?

The name "Iridium" originates from the Latin word "iris," meaning rainbow, due to the variety of colors its compounds can produce.

What colors are iris flowers?

There are many different species of iris - the most well-known are a bluey purple colour, but they can be white or even bright yellow!

What is the meaning of the word iris?

"Iris" can refer to the circular colored part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil to regulate the amount of light entering the eye. It can also refer to the flower of the same name, known for its vibrant colors and distinct shape.