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There is no way of answering this. Shakespeare left no records about what his favourite anything was. His personal life is a complete mystery.

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Q: What colour did Shakespeare like the best?
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What colour do you like best?

There is no objective answer to this question.

What color eyes did William Shakespeare have?

an eye colour!

What play of William Shakespeare did you like best?

'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

How many people like the colour pink?

pink is the best colour for girls and if they are rich better

What is the best eye colour?

It's whatever colour you like. Personally I prefere dark brown eyes.

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nicholas is the best

What was storytelling like in the Elizabethan times?

The best storyteller in Elizabethan times was Shakespeare.

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phenotype expression is the outer apparance of the body like colour of the skin, colour of the eyes,colour of the hair , so on......thx..........with best regards...

What is Shakespeare age best known for?

Shakespeare. Also other writers like Marlowe, Spenser, Donne, and Milton. And some great musicians like Purcell. And famous sailors like Drake. And Queen Elizabeth of course. And that's just England. How about Cervantes in Spain? He was Shakespeare's contemporary.

Did Shakespeare like milk?

We have no idea what Shakespeare did or didn't like.

What was Shakespeare like as a child?

he was always going on that one day he would be the best writer in the world

What color describes Shakespeare best?

jack Taylor believes that purple best describes Shakespeare.