

What comes after octet?

Updated: 5/24/2024
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After octet comes a kilobyte, which is equivalent to 1024 bytes. It is the next unit used to measure digital storage capacity.

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its called an octet

What language does octet come from?

The word "octet" comes from the Greek word "okto," meaning "eight." It is commonly used in computer science to refer to a group of eight bits that form a byte.

What are eight voices called?

An octet.

What are 8 singers called?

A group of eight anything is called an "octet".

Give example of octet rule?

Az important rule: any octet has to have eight parts, otherwise it is not an octet.

Is octet a collective noun?

The noun 'octet' is a word for a group of eight. The noun 'octet' is not a standard collective noun for a specific group, but can be used as a collective noun for any group of eight; for example, an octet of singers, an octet of swans, etc.

What is a octet in poetry?

An octet is a stanza of poetry that has eight lines.

When was Octet - Christensen - created?

Octet - Christensen - was created in 1958.

When was Octet - Martins - created?

Octet - Martins - was created in 2003.

Does uranium have an octet?

All the elements have a tendency to form an octet.

How does oxygen not follow the octet rule?

Oxygen can violate the octet rule because it can form stable compounds with less than eight electrons in its valence shell. For example, in molecules like hydrogen peroxide or ozone, oxygen can have six electrons in its valence shell. This is possible due to oxygen's ability to form multiple bonds and accommodate more than eight electrons in its valence shell.