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Complications of mediastinoscopy include bleeding, pain, and post-procedure infection. These are relatively uncommon. Mortality is extremely rare.

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Q: What complications can arise after mediastinoscopy?
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How likely is a patient who has undergone a mediastinoscopy to have complications?

Complications from the actual mediastinoscopy procedure are relatively rare--the overall complication rate in various studies has been 1.3-3.0%.

What aftercare follows a mediastinoscopy?

Following mediastinoscopy, patients will be carefully monitored and watched for changes in vital signs , or symptoms of complications from the procedure or anesthesia.

What aftercare does a patient who has undergone a mediastinoscopy receive?

Following mediastinoscopy, patients will be carefully monitored to watch for changes in vital signs or indications of complications of the procedure or the anesthesia.

What are the risks of complication following mediastinoscopy?

Complications from the actual mediastinoscopy procedure are relatively rare. The overall complication rates in various studies have been reported in the range of 1.3-3%.

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Where is a mediastinoscopy usually performed?

Mediastinoscopy is usually performed in a hospital under general anesthesia.

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Who performs a mediastinoscopy?

A mediastinoscopy procedure is usually performed by a thoracic or general surgeon in a hospital setting

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