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For example, all hydrocarbons.

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Q: What compound contain both carbon and hydrogen?
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Compound that contains carbon and hydrogen atoms?

Hydrocarbons contain both Carbon and Hydrogen.

Why are carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are not example of organic chemistry?

An organic compound must contain both carbon and hydrogen. Carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide contain carbon an oxygen, but not hydrogen.

Why does carbon dioxide belong to inorganic compounds but it has carbon?

Simply containing carbon does not qualify a compound as organic. An organic compound must contain both carbon and hydrogen.

Is carbon dioxide is considered oragnic sugar?

No. All sugars are organic. But carbon dioxide is not considered organic because it does not contain hydrogen and an organic compound must contain both carbon an hydrogen.

What compound would be classified as an organic compound?

An organic compound is pretty much any compound that contains carbon bonded to hydrogen

What does an organic compound contain?

All organic molecules contain carbon and hydrogen.

Why is carbon Dioxide not classed as organic?

It is not organic because an organic compound must contain both carbon and hydrogen and carbon dioxide only contains carbon.

Why carbon dioxide is not an organic compound?

Organic compounds contain a carbon atom covalently bonded to a hydrogen. Carbon dioxide is very important in organic chemistry and carbon chemistry in general, but it is not organic because it contains only carbon and oxygen ... no hydrogen.

Organic molecules contain both?

carbon and hydrogen

Physical differences between organic and inorganic compound?

Organic compounds contain both the elements carbon and hydrogen bonded together. An inorganic compound is missing one or the other or does not have direct bonds between them as in carbon acid (H2CO3).

Is carbon monoxide a organic compound?

Organic compounds are generally defined as those compounds which have carbon-hydrogen bonds; Compounds without such bonds are called inorganic compounds. Thus, carbonic acid is an inorganic compound.

Why carbonic acid is inorganic compound?

The idea of what is organic and inorganic compound of a carbon containing molecule is somewhat arbitrary. but among the best possible reason is becuase carbonic acid is soluble in water and insoluble in an inorganic acid while organic acid is the other way around (very few are soluble in water but all is soluble in organic solvent). Also organic acid are normally derived from a hydrocarbon compound, therefore it should assume that at least one carbon in the organic acid should be bonded with at least one hydrogen. but since the only carbon in carbonic acid is not bonded with any hydrogen (bonded instead with 3 oxygen), it can be said that carbonic acid is not derived from any hydrocarbon compound but from carbon dioxide instead.