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Q: What compound contains the functional group called alcohol?
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A compound that contains a carbon is called a base.

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The NH2 functional group of this organic compound, is called an Amine. this is a basic sidebranch, which when in solution will give an overall basic (alkalinic as some know it) presence. This could be identified, on this particular compound (Ethanamine/ethylamine/aminoethane) by addition of an acid, which will trigger an acid base reaction by which the NH2 group can be identified.

What is a compound that only contains carbon and hydrogen?

it is called an Organic compound

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It is called Ginger Beer cause it is similar to the name A&W Root Beer and that contains no alcohol as well. Since it contains no alcohol it would taste better.

What is the structural building block that determines the characteristics of a compound is called the?

functional groups. i think

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That is called a formula.

What is -OH group?

The -OH group is called the hydroxyl group

What are the elements that make up the compound wood alcohol?

C2 , h5 , oh

What is an organic compound with at least one hydroxyl group called?

It would be called an alcohol.

What is in drinking alcohol?

Drinking alcohol is called ethanol, and it contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. (C6H5OH)

What is hydroxyl compound?

A compound which conain hydroxyl group i.e OH- ion is called hydroxyl compund..

Does roundup contain alcohol?

Roundup is a weed killer. No, it does not contain alcohol. It contains a poison called Glyphosate.