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it is called the acetabulum (sp?) This is where the top (ball) of the femur fits into the socket (acetabulum) of the hip ... called a ball and socket joint

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Q: What concave socket exists on the lateral surface of each hip bone?
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Is the acetabulum a flat bone?

The acetabulum is the concave surface of the pelvis where the femur meets the pelvic hip socket.

Hip socket is known as the?

The hip socket is known as the acetabulum. It is a cup-shaped structure in the pelvis that forms part of the hip joint where the femur (thigh bone) articulates.

What is surface wiring?

Surface wiring is wiring that is enclosed in some kind of containment and surface fixed. For example if you installed a conduit containment system to supply a socket this is screwed to the walls with "saddles" and a mounting block is used to protrude the socket off the wall to take the conduit. This is surface wiring as opposed to concealed wiring which is encased in the fabric of the wall and all you see is the socket.

What articulates with the glenoid fossa?

The humerusOn the lateral angle of the scapula is a shallow pyriform, articular surface, the glenoid cavity (or glenoid fossa) of scapulaComes from Greek: gléne, "socket"), which is directed lateralward and forward and articulates with the head of the humerus; it is broader below than above and its vertical diameter is the longest.

What joint allows you to move your arm in a circle?

A ball and socket joint allows the arms to move in a circular motion. A ball and socket joint is also called an spheroidal joint.

What is the function of acetabulum?

The acetabulum is a concave surface on the pelvis. It is located where where the femur, or the thigh bone, and the pelvis meet, forming the hip joint. Since the acetabulum is a crucial part of the hip joint, its function is self-explanatory in that it supports the joint itself.

How java supports networking?

Java supports both TCP and UDP connections. ServerSocket and Socket classes exist for TCP. DatagramSocket exists for UDP.

Which bones form the acetabulum?

the acetabulum is made up of the three bones in the Os Coaxe. The ilum, ishium and pubis.

Are ellipsoid joints the same as condyloid joints?

no it is not. A condyloid joint is more like the ball and socket joint, but more slight. A saddle joint is two concave surfaces on top of each other, like a saddle

What is the difference between butt weld and socket weld?

A butt weld is a weld made between two straight cut profiles , a socket , or plug weld is made between a surface and a hole.

Can a paper clip in a light socket kill you?

No, because there is no current path through your body and you would be on an insulated surface.

How soon can you eat after having a dry socket treatment?

Eating after treatment of a dry socket when a tooth was pulled, is usually a matter of comfort. Try not to eat anything like nuts, that will lodge in the socket. You may want to stick to liquids or puddings for a day, to allow the dry socket time to heal, and so you won't be biting on a painful surface.