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Q: What conditions are necessary for materials to become a superconductors?
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Certain materials can become superconductors unedr what conditions?

Very low temperatures.

Under what conditions do certain materials become superconductors?

Low temperature is a factor to increase electrical conductivty.

Certain material can become superconductors under what conditions?

when it is very cold(:

Is a superconductor a metal or nonmetal?

Only a few of the materials that have been supercooled have become superconductors, and not all of those are metals. There have even been some organic superconductors discovered.

Why superconductors are not used often in everyday activities?

Because at present all superconductors must be super-cooled in a coolant such as liquid nitrogen to become superconductors.

What do some electrical conductors become when cooled to near absolute zero?


Does the coldness affect the minerals hardness?

Many materials become more brittle in cold conditions.

Does an insulator become a superconducter at absolute zero?

No, only certain materials can become superconductors. These materials form Cooper Pairs with their conduction band electrons at low temperature, making the electrons coherent (analogous to photons in a LASER beam). This coherence prevents resistance to current flow. Most insulators lack conduction band electrons. High temperature copper oxide ceramic superconductors are an exception as they lack conduction band electrons, but their copper oxide structure is highly distorted in a way that allows bound electrons to form Cooper Pairs.

How do some metals become superconductors?

Most of the metals can be superconductors if you freeze them enough. They reach superconductivity bellow a temperature called the critical temperature (Tc). So the answer is: Freeze them below Tc. The higher the critical temperature, the better.

What conditions caused many soldiers to become ill with diseases such as smallpox and dysentery?

They used the same materials on other patients.

What are research tools?

Research tools are materials that are necessary to preform research. All inventions, discoveries and knowledge can become research tools.

What conditions are necessary for animals and plants to become fossils?

The animal or plants needs to be covered in a sedimentary silt or mud, for a very long time.