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Adequate warmth and moisture levels, as well as the required oxygen and glucose. In an animal, health may also affect the functionality of respiration.

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1mo ago

Key conditions necessary for respiration include a source of oxygen, a functioning respiratory system to exchange gases, and a mechanism for cells to utilize the oxygen for energy production through cellular respiration. Additionally, removal of carbon dioxide produced as a byproduct is essential for the process to continue efficiently.

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Terkula Oryimon

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2y ago

State and explanic five condition necessary for respiration

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Q: What conditions are necessary for respiration?
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What is the importans of respiration in animals?

'What is the importance of respiration in animals?' Respiration is the in and exhaling of gasses through the lungs. Oxygen is inhaled and carbon dioxide is exhaled. Oxygen is necessary for cell life, carbon dioxide is secreted by the cells and then exhaled by the lungs and nostrils as it is toxic to the body. (It has the same importance as in humans)

Why is the process of respiration important?

Respiration is vital for the survival of living organisms because it provides the necessary energy for cellular functions through the production of ATP. It helps in the breakdown of glucose and other nutrients into usable energy for the body. Additionally, respiration plays a critical role in removing waste products such as carbon dioxide from the body.

List the three conditions that are necessary and sufficient for natural selection to act on a?

A beneficial mutation leading to variability in a population and the heritability of those beneficial traits.

How the rate of respiration controlled by the animal organism?

The rate of respiration in animal organisms is primarily controlled by feedback mechanisms that monitor the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Chemoreceptors in the brain and blood vessels detect changes in these gas levels and send signals to adjust the rate of breathing to maintain homeostasis. Factors such as physical activity, metabolic demands, and environmental conditions can also influence respiration rate.

A type of respiration pertaining to cells?

Aerobic respiration is a type of cellular respiration that occurs in the presence of oxygen and involves breaking down glucose to produce energy in the form of ATP. This process involves multiple steps, including glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain. Aerobic respiration is more efficient than anaerobic respiration in terms of ATP production.

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This question refers to cell and organism respiration. Respiration involves the uptake of oxygen which is necessary along with glucose to create the energy that drives life itself.

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Cellular respiration

Why RBC are not able to carry out aerobic respiration?

Because RBCs have no mitochondria, and mitochondria is necessary for aerobic respiration.

How are respiration and anaerobic respiration different?

aerobic respiration uses oxygen and anaerobic doesn't; also aerobic produces more ATP or cellular energy***Apex: Oxygen is necessary for aerobic respiration but not for anaerobic respiration.

How are the carbon nitrogen and oxygen cycle necessary for life?

carbon is necessary for making all organic chemicalsnitrogen is necessary for making proteinoxygen is necessary for aerobic respiration

What controls respiration under normal conditions?

pulmonary ventilation

Why is oxygen nessecary in cellular respiration?

Oxygen is necessary for aerobic respiration only . It is not required in anaerobic respiration . Oxygen is final electron acceptor and it forms water at end of E.T.C.

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