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It reall depends on the experiment, but some common ones include:




Location (as air composition can differ)

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Your control

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3y ago

I believe the answer is $uck, my d! c k kids stop looking up answer s for your test

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Q: What conditions need to be kept constant during the experiment?
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The part of an experiment in which all conditions are kept the same is the?

The answer is the constant variables because they always stay the same.

How many variables are kept constant in a experiment?

All variables except one, the experimental variable, are kept constant in an experiment.

Define manipulated responding and controlled variables?

the controlled variables are the factors that are kept constant during an experiment. if they are not kept constant then they may affect the outcome of the experiment. the manipulated variable is the factor that is different between the experiment and the control. the responding variable is the variable that is being measured in the experiment.

What factor is kept the same in a scientific experiment?

All variables except for the independent and dependent variables should be kept the same. The other two will be changed by a fixed amount and by an unknown amount to be discovered during the experiment, respectively.

What is the part of the experiment in which all conditions are kept the same?


In an experiment the standard in which all of the conditions are kept the same?

the control

Conditions that are kept the same in every group in an experiment?


What is part of the experiment in which all conditions are kept the same is?


What is the constant variable?

factors in an experiment that are kept the same and not allowed to change or vary.

What Factor does not vary in a experiment?

The control variable, also known as the constant variable, does not vary in an experiment. It is kept constant to ensure that any changes observed are the result of the independent variable being tested.

What is the difference between control and experimental variables?

Control variables are kept constant throughout an experiment to ensure that any changes in the dependent variable are due to the manipulation of the independent variable. Experimental variables, on the other hand, are the factors that are deliberately changed by the researcher to observe their effect on the dependent variable.

Where is a controlled experiment?

An experiment with only one independent variable (manipulated part). All of the other variables are kept constant throughout the trials of the experiment.