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Q: What conflict of values in American society caused the enactment of prohibition?
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What impact did Prohibition have on American society?

It didn't solve any problems but created many serious ones itself.

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Changing attitude toward prohibition?

Attitudes towards Prohibition did change at the start of the period of Prohibition many people were positive towards the idea of Prohibition with them believing that it would lead to a "Purer" American society however by the end of the Prohibition era most people wanted the law to be abolished with most believing that it had been a failure which had encouraged ordinary American citizens to become criminals So overall attitudes towards the idea of probhition did change from the period of 1915-33

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That society believed that there should be no drinking at all. They also wanted Prohibition to remain in force, since that made alcohol drinking against the law.

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As long as there has been society - and as long as there have been philosophers writing about society - there has been conflict and there have been conversations about conflict resolution.

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As long as there has been society - and as long as there have been philosophers writing about society - there has been conflict and there have been conversations about conflict resolution.