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Dionysus was born in Thebes.

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Q: What connection does the god Dionysus have to Thebes?
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What is the connection of drama and the greek god dionysus?

Because Dionysus introduced theatre into ancient Greece

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When did dionysus become a god?

Dionysus was born a god.

Dionysus greek god of?

Dionysus is the god of the wine...

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Who was Dionysus?

Dionysus is the god of wine and drunken revelry in Greek mythology. Writers often contrast Dionysus with his half-brother Apollo. Where Apollo personifies the cerebral aspects of mankind, Dionysus represents the libido and gratification. Dionysus was the son of the king of the Greek gods, Zeus, and Semele, the mortal daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia of Thebes. Dionysus is called "twice born" because of the unusual manner in which he grew: not only in a womb, but also in a thigh. Dionysus is a fat,plump god he was a partier there for the beer belly He wore a grape vine crown.

Was dionysus a goddess or god?

dionysus was a god the god of fertillity and wine

Who followed the Cult of Dionysus?

Anyone could follow the cult of Dionysus in ancient Greece, it was however based originally in Thebes.

What is dionysus symbols?

Dionysus, (Bacchus) was the god of wine. Thebes was his own city, where he was born, the son of Zeus and Semele, a daughter of Cadmus, king of Thebes. The vine and ivy were sacred to this god; his sacrifices consisted of goats and pigs. His symbol, as well as the grape vine and wine, also included The Thyrsus. A Fennel Staff topped with a Pine Cone. The representation of which was a Phallus.Wine and grapes.

Was the Greek god Dionysus a virgin?

Dionysus was not a virgin god.