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Q: What constellation was believed to be killed by Hercules?
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What animal represented in this constellation was killed by Hercules?

draco A+ ;)

What is the nickname of the constellation Hercules?

It is called the kneeler because Hercules is kneeling over the dragon he killed.

What animal did Hercules killed in the Constellation associated?

Leo the Lion, Contstellation Leo

Why was the lion constellation called Leo?

The ancient Greeks and Romans named the constellation as a representation of the Nemean Lion killed by Heracles (Hercules) as one of his twelve labors.

Why was the constellation Leo called Leo?

The ancient Greeks and Romans named the constellation as a representation of the Nemean Lion killed by Heracles (Hercules) as one of his twelve labors.

What time of the year would you find the constellation Hercules?

The constellation Hercules is best viewed in July.

Is Hercules a constellation?

Yes, there is a constellation with that name. "Hercules" also has several other meanings.

How many stars are in the constellation Hercules?

The number of stars in the constellation Hercules is debated, but most agree on 14-22 stars in the constellation.

What is the Greek or Roman mythology behind Leo?

The constellation of Leo was reminiscent of the Nemean Lion, killed by Hercules as one of his Labors.

How did the Centaurus become a constellation?

He was shot and killed by Hercules with an arrow dipped in Hydra venom. Instead of going to the realm of Hades, Zeus put him in the stars as the constellation "Centaurus" or "Sagittarius".

What are the main stars in Hercules the Hero constellation?

What are the stars in Hercules the Hero constellation? mu herculis, vega, lyra

What is the longitude hours for the Hercules constellation?

The area of the sky defined as the constellation Hercules lies betweenRight Ascensions 16H and 19H. It comprises 1,225 square degrees of sky,making Hercules the 5th largest constellation.